What is Tantra for Men?
Tantra is a great practice that helps quiet the mind and soul and helps you to get in touch with your intimate energy as an individual. It is also very beneficial to gain a better sense of self care and of your well-being. It’s a complete boost of your body, but also mind and soul.
Tantric massage for men is a specific kind of massage in the Tantra practice. Even if you are new to Tantra or have been practicing for years, here at NYBodyLove we guarantee a safe space for you to discover more that there is to this wonderful art.
Tantric massage for men is a specific kind of massage in the Tantra practice. Even if you are new to Tantra or have been practicing for years, here at NYBodyLove we guarantee a safe space for you to discover more that there is to this wonderful art.
Benefits of Tantric BodyLove
Tantric massages create way to consciousness, and a deeper acceptance of all your feelings and all that makes you the human being that you are. When you start to discover methods to empower yourself in a physical and mental way, other aspects of your life will also start to develop.
A healing process will start to happen and you will gain more awareness and pleasure with your body and soul. That is why it is important for us to offer a specific massage for every person, such as tantric massage for men. This kind of massage is focused in areas of the body that will make you feel open and safe to experience everything as you need to and in the moment.
When a man starts embracing all of his energies during a tantric massage for men, he is more receptive of all that is essential for an internal growth and expansion of all his parts. It’s the importance to experience a connected touch deep with himself, others – such as his partner - and all his surroundings. He starts to take control of his manhood in all the parts of his life.
This can be achieved through the tantric massage for men. In this sensual session, every part of the man’s body is honored, touched and respected in an equal extent.
A Tantric sessions have no main goals, because the experience itself is very present and it depends on how the senses of the person will unfold. Therefore the man reaching a high level of pleasure is not what the massage focuses on. It may happen or not but is never the main intention. As for this practice intends to leave the person relaxed and free to feel what he thinks is right in that specific moment, without establishing any mental barriers that won’t let him to fully enjoy the experience in full.
In a tantric massage for men our main goal is for our client to leave better than when he started. More connected with himself in any way possible, truly knowing that his feelings during the experience are valid and will let him is closer to his true self. Leaving him very intimate whit is physical, mind, body and soul feeling.
A healing process will start to happen and you will gain more awareness and pleasure with your body and soul. That is why it is important for us to offer a specific massage for every person, such as tantric massage for men. This kind of massage is focused in areas of the body that will make you feel open and safe to experience everything as you need to and in the moment.
When a man starts embracing all of his energies during a tantric massage for men, he is more receptive of all that is essential for an internal growth and expansion of all his parts. It’s the importance to experience a connected touch deep with himself, others – such as his partner - and all his surroundings. He starts to take control of his manhood in all the parts of his life.
This can be achieved through the tantric massage for men. In this sensual session, every part of the man’s body is honored, touched and respected in an equal extent.
A Tantric sessions have no main goals, because the experience itself is very present and it depends on how the senses of the person will unfold. Therefore the man reaching a high level of pleasure is not what the massage focuses on. It may happen or not but is never the main intention. As for this practice intends to leave the person relaxed and free to feel what he thinks is right in that specific moment, without establishing any mental barriers that won’t let him to fully enjoy the experience in full.
In a tantric massage for men our main goal is for our client to leave better than when he started. More connected with himself in any way possible, truly knowing that his feelings during the experience are valid and will let him is closer to his true self. Leaving him very intimate whit is physical, mind, body and soul feeling.
Our BodyLove For Men . . .
At NYBodyLove we lovingly guide you into the world of Tantra combining elements of aromatherapy, meditation, kundalini yoga, Tantra, reiki, bodywork and our heart opening body to body connection. Through this union, we focus on keeping you in blissful state of luxurious relaxation for as long as possible. This sacred ceremony explores your bodies’ senses clearing obstacles in your life-force (Shakti/Chakra's). You will feel disarmed, safe, loved, connected, and vulnerable.
You will leave us feeling revitalized like nothing you've never felt before.
Each Holistic Priestess counsels you according to your individual needs, guiding you to love yourself "as is" allowing you to see-your "body is your temple" something to be cherished.
30min $235
45min $285
60min $325
90min $485
120min $615
*Suggested Donations*
You will leave us feeling revitalized like nothing you've never felt before.
Each Holistic Priestess counsels you according to your individual needs, guiding you to love yourself "as is" allowing you to see-your "body is your temple" something to be cherished.
30min $235
45min $285
60min $325
90min $485
120min $615
*Suggested Donations*