The Tantra Body Love Experience
"Tantra Teaches you to reclaim respect for the body, love for the body. Tantra teaches you to look at the body as the greatest creation of God. Tantra is the Religion of the Body."
The Tantra Experience is an ancient Hindu practice that is 5,000 years old, and consists in the expansion and weaving of the energy in our bodies. One of its main benefits is the increase of intimacy and a mind-body connection that make you more aware of your body and its surroundings on an intimate level. The practice of Tantra can be experienced by anyone who takes interest in rebooting their intimacy and the way they see and feel about themselves. Once you start to experience this ancient practice you start to slowly be more aware and prepared to enjoy every part of your mind, body and soul.
Tantric Services
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Closing Thoughts on The Whole Experience

Tantra has always been a controversial subject, often mistaken as a type of sex-this is FALSE. Tantra is about much more than simply one's sexuality it's about letting go of shame, taping into the SENsual nature of yourself and every living creature on earth. Tantra helps you take notice to the little pleasures life has to offer, strengthening your relationships; harnessing all of our energies for a more fulfilling blissful life. Now who could use a positive method to self-care and show your self-love?
Tantra can help!
Everyone responds in their own unique and individual way but most of our followers experience some form of deep, inner orgasmic movement of energy, with waves of bliss spreading throughout the entire body. This is quite an usual experience, and it results in a heightened, powerful flow of energy, deep relaxation and clarity of mind as well as a feeling of being light, grounded and centered.
You will feel re-energized and healed in mind and body – this ecstatic, blissful feeling is just a taste of what tantra is really about. Many followers report that they have never felt this feeling before, in their whole life. Practicing the Art of Tantra can absolutely be a religious experience; whether you believe in it or not.
See Our Reviews page if you need convincing ;)~
Tantra can help!
Everyone responds in their own unique and individual way but most of our followers experience some form of deep, inner orgasmic movement of energy, with waves of bliss spreading throughout the entire body. This is quite an usual experience, and it results in a heightened, powerful flow of energy, deep relaxation and clarity of mind as well as a feeling of being light, grounded and centered.
You will feel re-energized and healed in mind and body – this ecstatic, blissful feeling is just a taste of what tantra is really about. Many followers report that they have never felt this feeling before, in their whole life. Practicing the Art of Tantra can absolutely be a religious experience; whether you believe in it or not.
See Our Reviews page if you need convincing ;)~
*The ceremonies we conduct are not only strictly educational it is apart of our spiritual practice - helping you arrive at a more embodied union between your sensuality and your spirituality.
In New York state (where we physically practice majority of the time), prostitution is defined as "A person is guilty of prostitution when such person engages or agrees or offers to engage in sexual conduct with another person in return for a fee." All sessions are for purposes of personal embodiment and emotional and social development, it is purposefully and intentionally spiritual and educational in nature and scope.*